Fake It Till You Make It

Break ups are bloody hard, for everybody, not just the yummy mummy. However I have to say that its my belief that break ups are always the hardest when they are involving children. As a mother you are worried about your kids, their poor little hearts and how they are coping, and as a woman you’re dealing with your own broken heart. It’s a juggling act each day which one comes first and gets more attention. And for the record, whether you’re the one being left or the one doing the leaving, serious relationships breaking down when kids are involved suck just as much on both sides.

I found it humiliating when my ex husband and I separated. I mean really its embarrassing having to admit to yourself that your partner no longer wants to be married to you, let alone anybody else. The worst part is running into people you haven’t seen for some time and having to explain your on your own now. The “oh’s” and “I’m so sorry” and the “you will meet someone else” really did my head in. Eventually I just started saying, “You know, I am actually fine, I have a gorgeous child and its for the best.”

I got used to the line, and one day after I said it, I realised with a shock, “Wow, I actually meant what I said.” I faked it, and I made it.

I am not a particularly huge fan of Katie Holmes, however post split with Tom Cruise, I really admire her poise, grace and dignity. Girlfriend has been snapped daily looking a million bucks but surely on the inside she is still coming to grips with beginning life as a single parent just like the rest of us mere mortals.

So girls, I know it’s hard, but slap on your makeup before you leave the house, wear the outfit you feel best in (no matter what time of day it is, even if it’s a sparkly mini skirt – wear it to breakfast), and force a smile. Hold your head high and put purpose in your step. Before long that smile will become real, and after all that faking, you will one day wake up and realise you have made it.

About yummymummydatingguide

I am mother, a dater, a shopper and a wannabe world-traveller (and full-time worker). I get equal pleasure from sharing a bag of sour worms with my son as I do getting dressed up for a night out or flying to a new destination.

One response to “Fake It Till You Make It

  1. Anon

    It took me a long time also after my separation to be ok with it and who I was. I too was embarrassed telling people about what happened and closed up to a lot of the world. After reading your blog, I realise I too, faked it till I made it. Thank you for another awesome blog! Keep blogging, I’m loving it!

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