The Yummy Mummy … A Definition

In doing a little bit of research for this blog, like every great researcher, I consulted my good friend Google. I found a blog written by a gentleman named David Wygant in the UK. My Google search brought up “how to date a yummy mummy” and I instantly thought brilliant! There are instructions for men out there, read on! After about the third line I was mortified at the definition of the yummy mummy.

According to David, the yummy mummy is a woman who has been in a sexless marriage for the past four or five years and once her divorce is finalised she is a promiscuous tiger just waiting for some man to help her roar. They are looking for a man who makes them feel “yummy, delicious and tingly all over. Usually the yummy mummy’s are very naughty in bed because their husbands did not let the naughty girl come out and play.”

Ummm what??

I was shocked by this, and quite frankly a little embarrassed at the stereotype. I mean seriously is that what people think that a single, attractive woman already with children is after. “I already have my kids so to hell with a fulfilling relationship, I am happy to roar around non-committal for the next little while?” Dont get me wrong, I am all for the modern woman embracing her sexuality and getting a bit of her fifty shades on, but seriously, is that really a definition that single mummies want to identify them?

So I did some asking around with my male friends, I was very pleased to hear laughter and a bit of “Is that a joke?” when I showed them the tips from David. The general consensus I was able to get from the guys on what their opinions of a yummy mummy were was “a single mum that you look at and still think, wow, she’s smokin’! Now that’s a definition I am much more comfortable with.

I did a bit of soul searching and thought about what I would want somebody’s impression of my other single mummy friends and I to be, and I have decided on an official definition for the yummy mummy as follows:

“the yummy mummy is a beautiful woman both inside and out. Whether tall or short, big or small, blonde or brunette, she radiates a beauty, warmth and smile from the inside out. She is made of strength and character with an ability to love unconditionally. It is these qualities that make her the gorgeous, yummy mummy.”

Now thats a definition I am happy to be stereotyped with.

About yummymummydatingguide

I am mother, a dater, a shopper and a wannabe world-traveller (and full-time worker). I get equal pleasure from sharing a bag of sour worms with my son as I do getting dressed up for a night out or flying to a new destination.

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